Monday, August 16, 2010


I love this little girl! She is so sweet and fun and on the run constantly... whew! It makes me tired! We went outside to play and to try out my new camera (LOVE IT!).   We got some cute ones.  I also tried some new editing techniques and kind of like a few of them. 



  1. Super cute Hannah! Love the blog! And oh my gosh....Olivia is gorgeous! I haven't seen her in a while and almost didn't recognize her! Love Sean's pictures too. They all look great. I'm really excited to have you do more family pictures!! Love your work!

  2. Oh, and do you care if I add you to my side bar, or do you want me to wait?

  3. Your pictures are beautiful! I use to practically live in the art building on campus up at BYU-I so I've seen LOTS of photography displays and your pictures would fit right in on those walls. What kind of camera do you have? I'm excited to see more work.(:

  4. Thanks Emily! I just got a Nikon D60. Very entry level SLR but I am just learning so I didn't want to drop the really big money on a camera just yet.

  5. Nice pics, 'Cuz. It looks like you have found your muse!
